Treat internal disorders, such as hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, and problems of the lung, brain, kidney, and gastrointestinal tract. Treat chronic diseases or disorders. Prescribe or administer medication, therapy, and other specialized medical care to treat or prevent illness, disease, or injury. Administer non-intravenous medications. Prescribe treatments or therapies. Prescribe medications. Explain procedures and discuss test results or prescribed treatments with patients. Explain medical procedures or test results to patients or family members. Manage and treat common health problems, such as infections, influenza and pneumonia, as well as serious, chronic, and complex illnesses, in adolescents, adults, and the elderly. Treat acute illnesses, infections, or injuries. Treat chronic diseases or disorders. Analyze records, reports, test results, or examination information to diagnose medical condition of patient. Analyze test data or images to inform diagnosis or treatment. Provide and manage long-term, comprehensive medical care, including diagnosis and nonsurgical treatment of diseases, for adult patients in an office or hospital. Diagnose medical conditions. Treat chronic diseases or disorders. Collect, record, and maintain patient information, such as medical history, reports, and examination results. Collect medical information from patients, family members, or other medical professionals. Record patient medical histories.